My approach to Food Intolerance Testing uses a small blood sample to identify categories of individual foods, and combinations of foods eaten together, that a person is not able to break down, digest, and utilize. Because the process of digestion of these foods is incomplete, the byproducts of their maldigestion essentially become toxins or irritants to the system. Where the irritation does the most damage is determined largely by genetic susceptibility. The irritation caused by food intolerances can affect the joints, the heart, the kidneys, skin, hormonal system, etc.
Certain food intolerances also show definite clinical trends. For example, individuals intolerant to Potato often experience kidney problems. In certain cases the kidney problem may manifest as arthritic pain because the kidneys have reached their tipping point, are no longer adequately filtering wastes from the blood stream, and hence deposits form in the joints. Most commonly each individual has one primary intolerance and one combination, though this varies. Unlike food allergies, most intolerances are present at birth, do not require prior exposure to the food, and do not seem to change over time.
Avoiding a persons food intolerance enables the body to function more efficiently, reduces inflammation, and encourages our innate healing capabilities to work their best. The degree of food intolerance avoidance that is recommended depends largely on ones current health status, heredity, environment, etc.